Re: sgml-lex: White space in tags?

% From: John Gilmore <>
% A question came up at my site about whether white space is acceptable
% in tags, and I was unable to figure out from the stuff I could find at
% the web site whether this is valid or not.
% It's extremely unfortunate that HTML is based on a proprietary spec
% that we can't distribute online.  I hope W3C is trying to remedy this
% situation.  How much money would it take to pry loose the SGML spec
% from ISO for public distribution without restriction?  I can attempt
% to provide or raise this money, if they have a price.  If they refuse
% to permit public use at any price, I think the HTML community should
% duplicate the work (to the extent that we need it) and separate from
% the SGML community.
% I tried reading the HTML lexical analyzer to answer the question, but
% it uses features of flex that I've never seen before and don't
% understand.
% Here's the specific issue:
%     When doing HTML anchors (links), the closing ">" on the <A HREF...> 
%     element needs to be in contact with the rest of it:
%     <A HREF="/pub/join/index.html">Join EFF today</A>!
%     not:
%     <A HREF="/pub/join/index.html"
%     >Join EFF today</A>!
%     Netscape is smart enough to parse the 2nd example, but many other 
%     browsers aren't.
% I think this is incorrect; I hope the spec allows arbitrary white-space
% inside the < ... > delimiters.  But, it's sad but true, I can't find
% a spec for this.

White space is allowed as in the second example. This applies to start tags and
end tags. White space is not allowed between the "<" and the "A", as this
changes it from being a start tag to being just the two characters "<" and "A".
White space is allowed before, between, and after attributes. You can check
these with James Clark's SP package, at




Lauren Wood, SoftQuad, Inc.

Received on Thursday, 19 September 1996 19:46:24 UTC