Re: sgml-lex: White space in tags?

[refreshing my screen to make sure I read it right this time :-]

       When doing HTML anchors (links), the closing ">" on the <A HREF...> 
       element needs to be in contact with the rest of it:

       <A HREF="/pub/join/index.html">Join EFF today</A>!


       <A HREF="/pub/join/index.html"
       >Join EFF today</A>!

       Netscape is smart enough to parse the 2nd example, but many other 
       browsers aren't.

Netscape is correct in this case. There's nothing wrong with the whitespace.

   I think this is incorrect; I hope the spec allows arbitrary white-space
   inside the < ... > delimiters.  But, it's sad but true, I can't find
   a spec for this.

Just run any decent parser over an example file. It is unfortunate
that the OSI charges for standards generated largely from public money.


Received on Thursday, 19 September 1996 20:55:36 UTC