Re: Netscape says CSS1 and Unicode support to be in NS 4.0

Benjamin Franz wrote:
> There is bunch of other fluff in there (surprise surpise) but those
> the magic items for me.

Great news. Another significant greater-than-fluff is:

"Web fonts. ... In addition, pages using a particular font will be able
to temporarily download that font with the page so it can be viewed
with the exact font the designer desired. Because the fonts are either
those shipping with Navigator or downloaded to it, this eliminates the
limitation of the Font Face tag, which can display a font only if it
finds it on the user's system."

The only worrisome thing is the wording regarding the Font Face tag. I
hope the downloaded font urls will be declared in the document head so
that such fonts can be used transparently by both stylesheets and
inline font tags. If this is going to require some ridiculous new tag
or tag attribute then better to not do it at all.

David Perrell

Received on Friday, 22 November 1996 14:56:35 UTC