Re: Reloading a graphic and not a page..

On Thu, 14 Nov 1996, Alan Thomson wrote:

> I have an odd problem. I need to refresh a graphic each time a visitor goes to a page. I would like the browser to cache everything 
> except one of the graphics. Sounds simple, just use a script. The problem is that my hands have been tied.  I can’t use a CGI script. 
> Is there an HTML tag I could put into the following line to force the browser to refresh the graphic? Also, I was thinking about an 
> SSI, but I’ve tried and it doesn’t seem to work.
> The HTML line I would like to be refreshed each time is:
> <IMG SRC=“graph.gif” ALT=“Current Status” ISMAP WIDTH=400 HEIGHT=200 BORDER=0>
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Upgrade to Apache 1.1.1 and compile in the CERN metafile support module. 
You can then add any header you want (such as Expires and Pragma: 
no-cache) to the HTTP headers for the graphic without using CGI. 

Benjamin Franz

Received on Friday, 15 November 1996 07:12:34 UTC