Cougar: Add CLEAR and ALIGN attributes for block elements (fwd)

Once upon a time Arnoud "Galactus" Engelfriet shaped the electrons to say...
>In the current (July 12th) Cougar draft, the CLEAR attribute is present

Small request, is there a way to have a revision number on the draft so that
we can refer to it like 'Cougar 1' 'Cougar 2', etc.  Minor, minor nit I know.

>and then adding %needs and %Battrs to the attributes list of 
>H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, P, BLOCKQUOTE, HR, UL, OL, DL, PRE,
>In the definition for these elements, the %attrs attribute would have
>to be removed, of course.

This sounds like a great idea.  And it would help divide block and non-
block attributes.  I have a feeling we'd run into the need to do that
sooner or later anyway.

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Received on Friday, 26 July 1996 23:58:51 UTC