Re: Cougar DTD: Do not use CDATA declared content for SCRIPT

Ka-Ping Yee writes in <>:
>Arnoud Galactus Engelfriet wrote:
>> Current browsers don't use SGML parsers, and even if we could
>> get NS & MS to implement those in their next versions, all the
>> old browsers would greatly barf on this.
>Too bad.  The fact that it was done wrong does not imply that we
>shouldn't correct this mistake, and correct it as fast as possible.

Definitely.  If an author is using scripts to provide interaction (as 
opposed to presentational enhancement), the older browsers won't work with 
the author's documents anyway.   We really should get this right, and get it 
right now rather than later.
Mark Leighton Fisher                   Thomson Consumer Electronics                   Indianapolis, IN

Received on Wednesday, 24 July 1996 14:13:01 UTC