Re: True quotes

 Walter Ian Kaye wrote:

> Eventually you'll be able to use the Unicode equivalents (which you can find
> at <>)

According to my ISO tables, the table at this address is incorrect. It lists 
#96 as an acute. According the ISO table in the PostScript reference manual, 
#96 is quoteleft. According the ISO8859-1 table at 
<>, #96 is "grave accent-
back apostrophe" (not the same, are they?). Acute accent is #180 in both 
tables. In the ASCII table at 
<>, #96 appears to be 

From whence came the ISO8859-1 and why are so many standard typographical 
entities missing? What's the dif between the ISO numbers in the Adobe PS 
manual and ISO8859-1? (The PS manual shows grave accent as the no-no number 
145. Why 32 no-no numbers?). Why wait for Unicode? There are named entities 
for other characters not in ISO8859-1 -- why not for typographical quote 

I vaguely remember a proposal for a quote tag. This strikes me as a good idea. Text can have <Q>true</Q> opening and closing quotes.

> of Netscape's supported charsets....
>'d have to require Netscape for accurate rendering.

No less evil than &#147;codes like that&#148;.

David Perrell
(a peripheral character in "Web Standards," by Franz Kafka)

Received on Thursday, 18 July 1996 18:02:58 UTC