- From: Charles Peyton Taylor <ctaylor@wposmtp.nps.navy.mil>
- Date: Tue, 16 Jul 1996 09:54:13 -0800
- To: www-html@w3.org
Since Cougar is experimental, is there any chance we could get acronym back in there? It would be helpful because: 1. It would give the author a hook for assigning styles to acronyms using a shorter (and maybe more meaningful) means than <span class=acronym>. 2. It would allow HTML to be written in a way that would be more accessible to speech-enabled browsers. For example, "NPS" would be pronounced "en Pea ess", not "nips" If Acronym isn't likely to get in there, would someone from W3C please make a statement on that, so I can take it out of my documents now. I put it in over a year ago to make my pages more accessible those of limited vision -- CYA for future equal-access-to -government-facilities plans. C h a r l e s P e y t o n T a y l o r ctaylor@nps.navy.mil The opinions and views expressed ## even though we're on our own, are my own and do not reflect ## we are never all alone, Those of the Naval PostGraduate School ## when we are singing, singing. http://vislab-www.nps.navy.mil/%7ectaylor/
Received on Tuesday, 16 July 1996 12:57:40 UTC