RE: Keyboard control extensions to HTML

Why not use the existing REL tag?


We provide <A HREF=myhelp.htm REL="help">help</A>for this site.

People who are blind say "help".
People who have a toolbar press help.
People who have mac's press the "help key".
Windows/DOS users are stuck with the obscure "F1", but they like it that
Unix users can press CTRL-H ... or specify it in their .html-cfg file

Better Example:

Press <A NAME=obscure HREF=obscure.htm REL="auto"><PHRASE
HREF=#obscure></A>for this site.

The <PHRASE> TAG is what you need......not a key tag.  You want to know
"what the browser is doing with my link"...not to "force the browser"

Also the <PHRASE> tag can help you describe other
OS/dialect/special-needs specific a way that is
acceptable to all users.


People who are blind say "obscure".
People who have a toolbar press "obscure".
People who have mac's press the "apple-" followed by the next available
People who have Unix/Windows press the "ctrl-" followed by the next
available keymap.


How many times have i seen the "blue underlined words on these pages are
like buttons" in HTML tutorials

What they should say is "use the <PHRASE TAG="HREF" PLURAL> to navigate
around this site.

this would get replaced by "asterisk-quoted words" or "blue-underlined
or "loud spoken words"

i figure the browser should be able to describe EVERY HTML entity
<phrase tag=entity>

as well as common use
<phrase name=help>

and other HTTP references
<phrase href=#named-reference>

with an optional "plural" attribute.

Received on Sunday, 14 July 1996 00:05:05 UTC