Re: ***MATH***

> Has the whole math effort died? I seem to remember that we were promised 
> results, and at least an idea of a timetable by 1st july.


 I just wanted to point out a Netscape Navigator Plug-in from IBM that may be
of interest regarding the electronic distribution of technical documents.


 This plug-in allows for TeX (as well as some extensions) to be seamlessly
embedded in an HTML document. The current aim is to allow for a so called
"intelligent math object" that could be dragged and dropped into a consenting
math application (spread sheets, symbolic or numeric computation
engines, and so on). This transfer of a mathematical expression implies that
the exact semantics of such expressions must be preserved. Currently the
OpenMath effort is hopping to fill such a void.



Angel Diaz
Department of Computer Science
Rensselear Polytechnic Institute
Troy, NY 12180


Received on Wednesday, 10 July 1996 19:18:52 UTC