Re: www-html-d Digest V96 #210 (Wed Jul 3 10:00:00 1996)

On Wed, 3 Jul 1996, Simon Middleton wrote:

> Maybe not, but both IE and Netscape support the direct use of  <IMG
> WIDTH=x%> where x appears to relate to the width of the page as I 
> discovered today when my browser displayed these rather small images,
> 100 pixels wide rather than 100%.
> Haven't found any documenatation for this though.

Hardly surprising - it isn't in the DTD for Wilbur, so it's most likely a
very recent thing. Certainly the copy of Netscape 2 I'm using doesn't
support it.


  James Aylett - Crystal Services ( BBS, Ftp and Web
     Clare College, Cambridge, CB2 1TL -- -- (0976) 212023

Received on Wednesday, 3 July 1996 12:01:49 UTC