microsoftisms after netscapeisms ?

Hi everybody.

If some of you have tried Microsoft Internet Explorer,
may be they have noticed strange new tags like:

	<marquee> an animated text</marquee>
	<bgsound src="rolling-stone.wav">

The only viewer that uses them is Internet Explorer
(the others I tried were netscape 1, netscape2 and Mosaic both PC and Unix 

I was just wondering where these kind of tags came from.
Are they microsoftisms (just like netscape does)?
Are they part of suggestions that microsoft wants to propose to w3c?

Or will we (poor HTML developpers) have to cope with as many HTML as 
there are viewers?

I'm pretty interested in your opinions, feeling, comments...

Christophe Jouan

    _/_/_/_/ _/      _/ _/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/_/
   _/       _/_/    _/ _/       _/        
  _/       _/  _/  _/ _/_/     _/_/_/_/_/ 
 _/       _/    _/_/ _/               _/   - Agence Spatiale Francaise -
_/_/_/_/ _/      _/ _/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/_/       - French Space Agency -

C.JOUAN - CT/TI/MIS/SM                   email:
CNES - 18 av E. Belin                    Tel  :  (33) 61 28 20 66  
31055 Toulouse - France                  Fax  :  (33) 61 28 18 39 

Received on Friday, 12 January 1996 13:40:56 UTC