Re: Frames still broke in NSN 3?

Stephanos Piperoglou notes:
> > <TR>
> > <TD><IMG SRC="image.gif" BORDER=0>
> > <TD><IMG SRC="image.gif" BORDER=0></TD>
> > </TABLE>
> This has whitespace (the newline) at the end of the first cell [2nd

Did you read my message? Why repeat the obvious?

The above as displayed in NSN 2.01:

*-------* *-------*
|       | |       |
| image | | image |
|       | |       |
*-------* *-------*
|       | *-------*
| image | |       |
|       | | image |
*-------* |       |

> > <TR>
> > <TD><IMG SRC="image.gif" BORDER=0></TD>
> > <TD><IMG SRC="image.gif" BORDER=0>
> > </TABLE>
> This has whitespace at the end of the second cell [2nd row]

It certainly does. And here is how it's displayed in NSN 2.01:

|       |       |
| image | image |
|       |       |
*-------*       |
|       | image |
| image |       |
|       *-------*

If you find this behavior logical, please share your insight.

David Perrell

Received on Wednesday, 28 August 1996 10:32:24 UTC