Re: Frames still broke in NSN 3?

Brent Eades wrote:
> When I add "cellpadding=0" to that, the margin shrinks by about
> when I add "cellspacing=0" to the preceding, I get images that abut

> without margins at all.
> It looks to me that NS has default values built-in for cell border,

> padding and spacing that act together in weird concert... anyway, 
> here's a test snippet of code that produces the above result on 
> several systems where I've tried it; please let me know how it
> at your end.

I had already done this with four cells to demonstrate the problem. I
just put the test page at
. The logos don't butt with NSN 2.1 at 1280 x 1024 on Win95 nor on
another system with NSN 3b5 at 1024 x 768 on NT4.0b2.

David Perrell

Received on Monday, 26 August 1996 15:49:28 UTC