Re: what happened to align=justify?

Hi there,

> HTML 3.2 is intended to define what current browsers are capable of.
> Since Netscape, the apparent 'standard' for what current browsers can
> and can't do, does not support "justify" for ALIGN, this value is
> not in the HTML 3.2 draft.
Then it should be allowed to ask why frames are NOT in HTML 3.2 (I
DON'T want them to be there, so that's ok for me!). Why don't we just
give up any standard and use whatever Netscape provides in it's
browsers (sorry for being sarcastic).


Wolfgang Klimt                               E-mail:
Institut fuer Informatik                     IRC   : Wolfii
der TU Muenchen                              Tel.  : +49 89 / 289 - 28187
80290 Muenchen                               Fax   : +49 89 / 289 - 28232  
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Received on Monday, 19 August 1996 06:35:10 UTC