Re: To <P> or not to <P>

On Fri, 16 Aug 1996, Scott Porad wrote:

> Some folks say that when no attribute is required a simple <P> between
> blocks of text, ie paragraphs, should not be used.  Rather, two (2) <BR>
> tags should be used.  Other folks think that is silly and not the correct
> way to use <BR> tags.  Those (other) folks think that if you insist that a
> plain <P> tag is incorrect then <P>...text...</P><P>...text...</P> should
> always be used (as opposed to <BR><BR>).
> So, there's the great debate.  Any thoughts?
Here are mine:

A P element delimits a paragraph, which is a block level element. When the
next block level element is a P again, the /P is implied, when it's not, the
/P should be inserted.

I've found that Netscape at least renders things as follows:

If you have <P>text<P>text it inserts lines.

If you have <P>text<TABLE>[all the table stuff]</TABLE> there is *NO* space
before the table. Same for <P>text<HR>

If you have <P>text</P><TABLE>[table]</TABLE> or <P>text</P><HR>.

It's the same thing like </TD>. If you ommit it, the next <TR> or <TD> or
<TH> can only mean that the previous cell is ended.

So, if you don't get a </P>, any block level elements after the text are
considered *part* of the paragraph. Otherwise, they are considered seperate
block level elements and are rendered with the line in between. So there.

= Stephanos Piperoglou = = =
  Four lines in a .sig can't say enough about why you should visit my page!
"I want peace on earth and good will toward man"
"We're the United States Government, we don't do that sort of thing!"
                                    [ from the film "Sneakers" ]

                                                       ...oof porothika! (tm)

Received on Friday, 16 August 1996 13:57:26 UTC