New features in latest HTML 3.2 draft (fwd)

Once upon a time Arnoud "Galactus" Engelfriet shaped the electrons to say...
>         action %URL #IMPLIED  -- server-side form handler --
>was changed to
>         action %URL #REQUIRED -- server-side form handler --

Unless I'm mistaken you can't have FORM elements out side of a FORM, and
sometimes you want JavaScript to display things - and it needs a textfield.
I guess you can out in a bogus ACTION - but it seems nicer not to force
dummy fields:

<title>test javascript</title>
function showtime() {
var now = new Date() ;
var hours = now.getHours() ;
var minutes = now.getMinutes() ;
var seconds=now.getSeconds() ;

timeValue = " " + ( (hours > 12) ? hours  -12 :hours )
timeValue += ( (minutes < 10) ? ":0" : ":") + minutes;
timeValue += ( (seconds < 10) ? ":0" : ":") + seconds;
timeValue += ( (hours >= 12) ? "P.M." : "A.M." )
document.forms[0].face.value = timeValue;
timerID = setTimeout ("showtime()", 1000);
timerRunning = true;
// Netscapes clock - Stop -->

<BODY bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000" link="#0000ff" vlink="#b245b0" alink="#2cbfe5" onLoad="showtime()">
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="face" SIZE="15">

That works.

(I happened to have this kicking around, I debugged it for someone on a
HWG mailing list earlier today.)

>        width   %Pixels  #IMPLIED  -- suggested cell width --
>        height  %Pixels  #IMPLIED  -- suggested cell height --
>were added to the attribute list of (th|td).

Well, guess I have to stop telling people not to use it. :-)

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Received on Thursday, 15 August 1996 22:03:12 UTC