Q:Hierarchial/Nested Selection Lists?

Has the proposal ever been brought up for a hierarchial selection list in 
a form, or a method to nest selection lists?  Such as...

<select name="catagory">
<option value="sports">Sports
	<option value="baseball">Baseball
	<option value="basketball">Basketball
<option value="Entertainment">
	<option value="television">Television
	<option value="theatre">Theatre

Unfortunately, the HTML 2.0 draft says that SELECT can't be nested 
(perhaps a SUBSELECT tag would work for the sublists?).  I can think of a few 
good uses for such a mechanism (such as an easier to manage Add URL entry 
form for Yahoo).

I doubt that I'm the only one that considered this.  Anyone out there 
know of any other good reasons for such a mechanism (or reasons against?)

----------------------- Christopher P. Josephes ----------------------------
Email |  mailto:cpj1@winternet.com
Web   |  http://www.winternet.com/~cpj1/

Received on Saturday, 27 April 1996 00:47:55 UTC