Re: Doesn't the ALT field of an image support ä?

At 10.59 1996-04-20 -0700, you wrote:

>I was just viewing my own homepages with lynx, and it seems that if a
ä (the a 
>with two dots over it) is in normal text, it is displayed coorectly. Inside
the ALT 
>field of an IMG, it is displayed as "ä".  Does this mean that ALT can't 
>contain Finnish (or any other umlaut etc) characters, or is this a defect
in Lynx?

The specs say:
"The alt text can contain entities e.g. for accented characters or special
symbols, but it can't contain markup. The latter is possible, however, with
the FIG element"

Entities in ALT don't validate.


Received on Saturday, 20 April 1996 05:19:49 UTC