Re: HTML editors and NATURALSIZEFLAG tag

At 4:59p 04/10/96, Scott Porad wrote:
>Has anyone ever seen this tag before?
>I found it located within an IMG tag.  It looked like this:
>   <IMG SRC="art/hci.gif" WIDTH="464" HEIGHT="232" ALIGN=bottom
>Can you explain to me what it does?  I looked in several specs and didn't
>find it.
>In case you were wondering, this tag was "spit out" by the PageMill HTML

There's the clue! Since PageMill is geared for Netscape, and since Netscape
doesn't use that attribute, it's gotta be a note from PageMill to itself...

    Walter Ian Kaye <>     Programmer - Excel, AppleScript,
          Mountain View, CA                         ProTERM, FoxPro, HTML     Musician - Guitarist, Songwriter

Received on Thursday, 11 April 1996 00:52:40 UTC