(Fwd) Re: color definitions

> i am looking for a chart on how to convert <RGB> and <CMY> or <HSB> colors
> to the necessary hex codes for HTML.

It's simple.  Open up the handy littlel calculator that comes with 
windows.  An RGB code has 3 groups of numbers...non?  Take the first
group and input them into the calculator, now hit the HEX button, it
will convert the number to Hex.  Do the same for each set of numbers,
put all the Hex codes together, and voila, you have your code.
Shauna Heron, DigiCash bv     Telephone: +31 20 665 2611
shauna@digicash.com           Fax:  +31 20 668 5486
http://www.digicash.com/  ~Toto? I don't think we're in Kansas anymore...~

Received on Monday, 25 September 1995 12:30:36 UTC