Updated HTML Reference Manual

Many of you have used my HTML Reference Manual in the past.


This is to announce a major upgrading of that manual.

As members of this list are likely to already know, the language
specification of HTML has now been registered with the IETF as
RFC 1866.  The Reference Manual now reflects the definitions of
elements as specified in that RFC, the form-based file upload
specification of RFC 1867, major internet drafts that (IMHO) are very
near consensus (such as the comprehensive tables extension, client-side
image maps, and internationalization), as well as many new extensions
to RFC 1866 that have been introduced by the latest versions of
Netscape and Microsoft Internet Explorer (which are the two browsers to
which I have easiest access).

Please let me know of any errors or problems you have with the
document.  If you are aware of any extensions that I have
not included, especially of browsers that I do not easily access,
please point me to an authoritive link.

Michael J. Hannah                         "Opinions are mine only,
Scientific Computing Systems               and will change without notice
Department 4918, Mail Stop 0807            whenever appropriate."

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Received on Tuesday, 28 November 1995 15:41:48 UTC