RE: Multiple URL's for HREF, SRC and ACTION

First, I don't want to get into pissing matches about implementation dates 
and what constitutes current practice, those are subjective areas at best. 
  I am working from a legacy codebase, some of it goes all the way back to 
CERN lib and its hard to sort out what came in when.

Now, you make this point:
>>In any case, file URL's don't go across the network.  If you are 
referencing a
file URL, you are most likely in control of the filesystem and the utility 
fallback locations is marginal.

So, I guess I agree.  This may not be so bad, and we will treat the "file:" 
case as an error case.

-Thomas Reardon

Received on Friday, 17 November 1995 21:20:07 UTC