Re: www in URL's??

At 7:07a 12/28/95, Abigail wrote:
>Barry Kopulos wrote:
>++ Finally does anyone have a shortcut name when using www as it appears ina
>++ lmost every URl I have come across. Aha-how about w cubed whenever I refer
>++ to 3 w's in front of a URL.
>No idea. 'w' is just one syllable in Dutch. :)
>++ When are we going to get some final standards on this??
>Standards? RFC 1996 "On the pronouncation of WWW"?

I thought everyone knew it's pronounced "wu-wu-wuh"... ;-)

-boo  ::running away::

    Walter Ian Kaye <>       | Excel | FoxPro | AppleScript |
          Mountain View, CA              |--------- programmer ---------|     |   Macintosh    |   Windows   |

Received on Thursday, 28 December 1995 04:28:35 UTC