Re: [XHTML 2] ismap attribute URI creation (PR#7747)

> Dear HTML Working Group,
> "The user agent derives a new URI from the URI specified by the href 
> attribute of the element, by appending a '?' followed by the x and y 
> coordinates, seperated by a comma."
> What happens if the href already contains a ?
> ie
> <p href=""
>       src="map.png" ismap="ismap">
>    Our location.
> </p>
> Please clarify this so the result is not

Thanks for your comment.

Actually, this is exactly what happens, and is intended.  You could, for
example, include a number of other parameters in the URI, the final portion
being "&coords=" and the resulting URI would be ...&coords=?1,1 - a
server side application could easily parse this.

Best wishes,

Steven Pemberton
For the HTML WG

Received on Tuesday, 17 January 2006 16:50:39 UTC