Re: [XHTML 2] ismap attribute and unsuccessful embedded attribute (PR#7746)

> Dear HTML Working Group,
> What happens if ismap is specified on an XHTML 2 document?
> i.e.
> <p href="a" src="map.xhtml2" ismap="ismap">
>    Our location.
> </p>
> Is this invalid?  Or is the click relative to the rendered XHTML 2 document, 
> if it's the rendered XHTML 2 document, what happens with links and forms in 
> the underlying document, can they be activated?
> Similar questions arise for all other non-image types, and image types which 
> can contain hyperlinks.

Thanks for your comment.

When an ismap attribute is specified, onClick events are not delivered to the
embedded object, regardless of its type.  Instead, the coordinates of the
relative to the origin of the object, are sent to the server as specified.

Best wishes,

Steven Pemberton

Received on Tuesday, 17 January 2006 16:50:27 UTC