FAQ xhtml

The answer on "target" in xhtml is well written but a bit scary and
lawyer-y, and doesn't really help.
The answer says "target" was never part of html strict, and if you want to
use target, use xhtml 1.0 transitional. But what about when xhtml 2 (or 3 or
15) becomes the norm? Are w3 considering some type of similar tool to
"target"? Or some other method of opening links in other windows? 
"Target" is a useful tool, whether it's really part of strict html or not.
To lose it seems silly; technology is supposed to help, not hinder.
Standards and systems should serve users, not the other way around.
Any information you have (even just on w3 plans and considerations) is
greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Wink Grise

Received on Monday, 26 September 2005 10:03:37 UTC