[XHTML 2] 17 Embedding Attributes - srcType

Dear HTML Working Group,

17.1 srcType says
"This attribute specifies the allowable content types of the resource 
referenced by the relevant src URI."

 What does this actually mean:

Does it mean that only content-types listed in the srcType will ever be 
returned in all cases from the server?

Does it mean that only the content-types listed should be rendered 
regardless of what content-types the server actually returns. e.g. if you 
say <p src="item" srcType="text/plain"> and an application/xhtml+xml 
resource is returned, the src should be considered a failure and not 

Does it mean that the user agent should send an http request with an accept 
field only listing those content-types listed.  If that is the case, what 
should the user agent do if another content type is returned (ie the same 
situation as the previous example?)


Jim Ley.

Received on Saturday, 28 May 2005 20:36:11 UTC