Remarks on the HTML 4.01 Specification

Remarks on the HTML 4.0 Specification (

17.4 The INPUT element (interact/forms.html#h-17.4)


  value CDATA #IMPLIED  -- required for radio and checkboxes --
               -------     --------
- Attribute definitions

  value = cdata [CA] 
        This attribute specifies the initial value of the control. 
        It is optional except when the type attribute has the value


  'IMPLIED', 'required' and 'optional' are still used contradictory
  ('value' is required for radio  a n d  checkboxes due to the DTD,
    but    is required for radio  o n l y  due to the Attribute
  This could lead to different implementations.
  The default value 'on' is supplied by IE 4.x and NC 4.x for both 
  control types (checkboxes and radio buttons).

Steffen Göldner

Steffen Goeldner                eurodata GmbH & Co. KG
                                Grossblittersdorfer Strasse 257-259
Tel.:  +49 0681 8808-0          66119 Saarbruecken
Fax.:  +49 0681 8808-800        Germany     

Received on Friday, 27 August 1999 05:07:04 UTC