XHTML DTD conflicts with controlled extensibility


"1.3 Why the need for XHTML?"
	missing: controlled extensibility thru namespaces!

I thought there was a requirement on XHTML from RDF:

"The recommended technique for embedding RDF expressions in an HTML
document is simply to insert the RDF in-line as shown in Example 7.7.
will make the resulting document non-conformant to HTML specifications
to and including HTML 4.0 but the W3C expects that the HTML
will evolve to support this."
	-- http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-rdf-syntax/#transport

But I don't see the issue of controlled extensibility
thru namespaces in the charter

"There must be a DOCTYPE declaration in the document prior to the root

There goes controlled extensibility with namespaces!

The charter doesn't list any dependencies from RDF.
(Nor from XML Schemas, though that's not so relevant
to XHTML as the modularization work)

Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Wednesday, 24 March 1999 23:08:28 UTC