Re: Comments on WD-html-in-xml-19990304

Murray Altheim wrote:
> > Value of the xmlns attribute:
> >
> > I believe that it makes sense to have a separate namespace definition
> > for each of the defined DTDs. After all, they have different sets of
> > legal elements and attributes from one another, and that is what a
> > namespace isolates.
> And yet any occurrence of an element of blockquote, table, etc. is the
> same regardless of DTD. You are conflating namespaces with DTDs, which
> are different animals. We consider all three DTDs to be "XHTML", and
> semantically, that is the namespace.

Sure.  However, the transitional "namespace" has elements and attributes
in it that the strict "namespace" does not.  They are not the same.  The
semantics of elements that are in common are largely the same, but...  I
think they are different.
> > FPIs for XHTML:
> >
> > I think that the system ID in the defined FPI should be a fully
> > qualified URI that points to the definition of the DTD on the W3C
> > system.  This can be easily overridden by a local catalog if a developer
> > wishes, but for most people the DTD will not be available locally.
> > Also, the W3C should be the definitive repository for these DTDs.
> I am not opposed to this (and have stated so both publicly and privately
> to Paul Grosso, who provided the spur of this argument), so long as the
> W3C makes a policy decision to actually provide such a service, makes
> this decision publicly, and provides this WG with three suitable URIs
> for the DTD. Until such time, we'd be guessing the URIs, and we'd
> also be assuming that they were canonical. This would be a mistaken
> assumption without the W3C making this official.

Dave Raggett has taken the action to get a defined space for this at the

Received on Wednesday, 24 March 1999 13:38:41 UTC