Confusing HTML 4.0 Errata entry


Please describe the exact location of the missing attribute definitions for
NOFRAMES (section 16.4.1) in the current HTML 4.0 Specification.

The HTML 4.0 Specification Errata of 24-April-1998 vaguely states that the
omitted attributes for NOFRAMES are listed under the "DTD fragment".
Apparently "DTD fragment" refers to the Transitional Document Type
Definition (loosedtd.html#noframes) which entry, in turn, directs the reader
to the Generic Attributes described on the same page
(loosedtd.html#coreattrs, loosedtd.html#i18n and loosedtd.html#events). Are
the Generic Attributes, in fact, the attribute definitions in question?

Since the HTML 4.0 Specification contains three separate pages dealing with
DTD's, this particular erratum entry should have clarified the question
concisely, rather than confusing it.

Thank you.

Bob Porter

Received on Wednesday, 24 February 1999 21:01:01 UTC