Re: load and submit

>>  From time to time I find myself wishing I could submit an
>> instance to the server and have the result returned by
>> the server opened in a new window.  This appears to be
>> a kind of cross between a submit and a load -- but the
>> only way I can see to achieve this is to pass the instance
>> data long as query parameters on a GET request, which
>> doesn't work very well for non-trivial instances.
>> Is there a way to achieve this behavior, or am I wishing
>> for the impossible?
> Browsers can do that with <form target="">, and our implementation
> adds an extension attribute to xforms:submission:
> One issue is that pop-up blockers can interfere with this, at least in
> our specific implementation where we have an Ajax request in between
> (browsers should be smarter…). This may or may not be an issue with a
> 100% client-side solution. Maybe Alain can comment on this?
This would be an easy-to-add feature for XSLTForms: as for xf:load, 
XmlHttpRequest calls are used for submissions (HTML form element would 
not allow submitting XML instances...) then Javascript instructions 
could easily open a new window instead of replacing the calling form.


Received on Sunday, 15 July 2012 17:13:01 UTC