Re: load and submit

> From time to time I find myself wishing I could submit an
> instance to the server and have the result returned by
> the server opened in a new window.  This appears to be
> a kind of cross between a submit and a load -- but the
> only way I can see to achieve this is to pass the instance
> data long as query parameters on a GET request, which
> doesn't work very well for non-trivial instances.
> Is there a way to achieve this behavior, or am I wishing
> for the impossible?

Browsers can do that with <form target="">, and our implementation
adds an extension attribute to xforms:submission:

One issue is that pop-up blockers can interfere with this, at least in
our specific implementation where we have an Ajax request in between
(browsers should be smarter…). This may or may not be an issue with a
100% client-side solution. Maybe Alain can comment on this?


Received on Wednesday, 11 July 2012 18:52:22 UTC