Argumentation needed -

Dear Working Group,

i received a call for help from a client being in eHealth: the IHE
(Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise) -  which
develops standards in healthcare is about to remove XForms from their
technical framework recommendations. This is the original text i

“With the use of XHTML forms, and with HTML 5 the replaising XHTML 2.0
(which was supposed to incorporate XForms, thus providing wide support
for the technology)  as the next version of HTML, there are
practically no implementations of XForms. Leaving XHTML forms as the
only option will signifficantly improve interoperability.“

I would be happy if the Working Group would step in and help to argue
against this. I already tried to write something down but i feel that
it would be helpful to get a statement from the authors of the spec.


Joern Turner

Received on Monday, 30 May 2011 09:50:53 UTC