- From: Patrick Freudenstein <patrick.freudenstein@kit.edu>
- Date: Tue, 20 Oct 2009 16:15:59 +0200
- To: <www-forms@w3.org>
- Cc: <jboyer@acm.org>, <thomas.tikwinski@iais.fraunhofer.de>
- Message-ID: <61A5F5C2E246A04B83587ACA6780B5855104B3@rz-ex-04.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de>
Dear working group, Our research group at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in Germany has developed a visual Web-based XForms editor which is available for free at: http://research.tm.uka.de/DialogDSLDemosite We are kindly requesting to be added to the W3C XForms Group Wiki's Implementations Page (http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Forms/wiki/XForms_Implementations). The editor promotes a two-layered modeling approach which strongly focuses on dynamic behavior and usability aspects of advanced Web-based dialogs: 1.) On the first layer, a dialog's data model can be visually grouped into semantically cohesive groups and dynamic transitions between these groups can be defined ("Previous / Next" or selection-dependent transitions). 2.) On the second layer, each partition's appearance can be designed in detail, thereby particularly emphasizing usability-enhancing attributes like help, hint, validations etc. All modeling can be done visually in the browser. The implementation is AJAX-based which fosters an efficient and satisfying modeling experience. Besides that, also direct manipulations on the XForms markup code can be performed. The editor is part of our "Dialog DSL" research which was presented at the WWW2008 and the ICWE2008: http://www2008.org/papers/pdf/p1069-freudensteinA.pdf http://icwe2008.webengineering.org/Program/Proceedings/ISBN978-0-7695-3261-5 /3261a038.pdf We have also begun to conduct empirical evaluations of the editor's adequacy for stakeholders with a non-IT-related background. The current results indicate significant efficiency gains as well as a good effectiveness / usability, also for non-programmers. More information about the evaluation can be found in my PhD thesis "Web Engineering for Workflow-based Applications: Models, Systems and Methodologies" which is available at: http://digbib.ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de/volltexte/1000012659 We would greatly appreciate being listed on the "XForms Implementations" page mentioned above. If you should have questions or feedback, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you very much for your attention! Best regards, Patrick Freudenstein Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Steinbuch Centre for Computing (SCC) Dr.-Ing. Patrick Freudenstein Integration and Virtualization Engesserstr. 4 / Building 20.51 D-76128 Karlsruhe Germany <http://research.tm.uka.de/campusmap/mwrg> Find me! Phone: +49 (0)721/608 8072 Email: <mailto:patrick.freudenstein@kit.edu> patrick.freudenstein@kit.edu Web: <http://mwrg.tm.uni-karlsruhe.de/> http://mwrg.tm.uni-karlsruhe.de KIT - University of the federal state of Baden-Wuerttemberg and national large-scale research center of the Helmholtz Association
Received on Tuesday, 20 October 2009 17:13:58 UTC