xf:switch inside xf:repeat ...


First of all  happy to new year !

Well I've trie to use "switch" element inside  "repeat" element  with a
"toggle action"
What happens is that each "switch" case have got an ID that should be
unique ... isn't it ?
But in a "repeat" context the repeated block will have same ID o no ID
at all ... so  how it possible to use "switch + toggle" inside  "repeat"
context ?

     <form:repeat nodeset="qos:class">
              <form:input ref="@enable">

              <form:group ref=".">
                <form:label value="concat(@id,' ',qos:label/text())" />

              <form:input ref="qos:rate">

              <form:input ref="qos:ceil" >

              <form:range ref="qos:prio" start="1" end="10" step="1">
                <form:label value="concat('Prioridad ',.,':')" />

                <form:case id="c1">
                                <form:label>Opciones advanzadas</form:label>
                                <form:toggle case="c2"
ev:event="DOMActivate" />
                <form:case id="c2">
                        Hello world

Note that my XML instance have got three "qos:class" nodes and logically
the "repeat module" copy the switch block 3 times ...
Does anyone have got any ideas ? Does it possible to achieve this ?

Best regards

Received on Friday, 5 January 2007 13:35:00 UTC