Re: Dynamic alerts issue (Managing Validation Error Messages)

Guntis Ozols wrote:

>> Any other idea?
> I think xforms:alert should have boolean attribute, too
> to handle 'no alerts for new records before submit' and xsd.

Honestly, I have no idea what the above sentence means!

> Search for 'validation error messages' in archives may remind some ideas.
>>> It seems that these problems are not addressed properly in XForms
>>> 1.1 working draft.
>> I think that the scope for XForms 1.1 is currently fixed.
> There was this same argument five years ago against solving this problem :(
> I understand that proper solution needs some work. But maybe adding
> already familiar attribute here and there will not necessarily break the entire
> spec, and will not create implementation problems.

Again, time and energy are highly constrained for XForms 1.1. I suggest 
that if this is an issue that you think is that important, you come back 
with a concrete proposal for the working group to consider. That 
proposal should clearly highlight the problem that is being solved and 
the solution proposed. Now that would be constructive.

>> but I am not sure of the status of this at the moment.
>> I am not sure there is a good reason ;-)
> Reducing the size of the forms by third (I've posted an example yesterday),
> removing two unnecessary nodes and two unnecessary references for each alert,
> keeping ui things within ui... might be a good reason.

I meant: a good reason *not* to add the @value attribute.


Orbeon Forms - Web Forms for the Enterprise Done the Right Way

Received on Thursday, 22 February 2007 13:46:37 UTC