Re: AJAX vs. Xforms

Kelly Miller:
> Actually, for the most part, both HTML forms and XForms are pretty 
> useless without some kind of server-side component.  Why go to the 
> trouble of putting together a decent form if you're only going to 
> manipulate it with Javascript?
> I was under the impression that both form libraries were created because 
> it became necessary for the user to input information on a web page for 
> server-side programming to work with.  Personally, the only 100% 
> client-side uses of forms (period) I've ever seen have been insanely 
> basic; generally, the complicated logic is kept on the server-side.

Dunno if you'd consider a >800 lines XForms document "insanely basic",
but it's client-side*, JavaScript is only used for extra graphical
effects, it includes some validation, and it has been used by non-IT
personnel for mission-critical data import since February 2005.

XForms is just waking up :)

* The XForms processor is Chiba, running on Apache Tomcat, but that's
just a practical decision. There is no Chiba-specific functionality or
custom server-side scripts, and the XForms should work with any other
compliant processor without modification.

Victor Engmark
"To study and not think is a waste. To think and not study is
dangerous." - Confucius

Received on Tuesday, 8 November 2005 09:16:57 UTC