Re: [www-forms] <none>

Greetings Henry, there have been some clarification on this subject in the 
recently published errata to XForms 1.0, in particular take a look at 
erratum E66 [1].


Regards, Roland
Tel/Fax: +44 (0)1926-465440

Henry C Tran <> 
Sent by:
21/07/2005 18:02


[www-forms] <none>


I'm a little confused by the spec. I'm not sure if I'm interpreting it 
correctly but in section 9.1.1 it says :

The group element is used as a container for defining a hierarchy of form 
controls. Groups can be nested to create complex hierarchies. Model item 
properties that apply to form controls apply equally to group, and take 
precedence over model item properties applied to individual members of the 

Does this mean that the individual members of the group take the model 
item properties (MIP) of the group, even if they are explicitly defined? 
Here is an example: 

                       <xforms:bind id="group1" nodeset="/order/shipDate" 
                       <xforms:bind id="group2" nodeset="/order/shipCost" 
                       <xforms:bind id="input1" 
nodeset="/order/shipTo/street" relevant="true()"/> 
                       <xforms:bind id="input2" 
nodeset="/order/shipTo/city" relevant="false()"/> 

                        <xforms:group bind="group1"> 
                                <xforms:input bind="input1"> 
                        <xforms:group bind="group2"> 
                                <xforms:label>Group 2 label</xforms:label> 

                                <xforms:input bind="input2"> 


I was originally expecting the first input (Street Name) to be disabled 
and the second input (City) to be enabled. I was also told that "if a 
group is restricted, then contained things would have to be at least 
equally restricted (i.e. if the group is disabled or readonly, then 
everything in the group is disabled or readonly).  But I'd think that any 
control contained in a group would be able to override any of the default 
MIP's that the group has.  So that if the group has the default values of 
being enabled and readwrite, that contained controls could override these 
defaults to make themselves disabled or readonly." 

I just wanted to double check with the working group.  Thanks! 

Henry Tran
Emerging Technologies

Received on Friday, 22 July 2005 11:30:11 UTC