Problem with actions order in <xf:action>


I try to use <xf:action> tag in this situation:

          <root xmlns="">

          <xf:action ev:event="DOMActivate">
               <xf:message level="modal">1</xf:message>
               <xf:message level="modal">2</xf:message>
      <xf:repeat nodeset="/root/object">
              <xf:action ev:event="DOMActivate">
                   <xf:message level="modal">1</xf:message>
                   <xf:message level="modal">2</xf:message>

It will display 3 buttons with text 'Do'.
When I click on first button I see message box with text '1' and then 
message box with text '2'.
When I click on second or third button I see message box with text '2' 
and then message box with text '1'.
--Mozilla Deer Park Alpha 2 and XForms 0.2--
When I click on any button I see message box with text '1' and then 
message box with text '2'.

Why this difference? How it must be in order with W3C Recommendation?


Received on Thursday, 21 July 2005 14:39:28 UTC