Arvind Pandey
Bjoern Hoehrmann
- XForms WG in 2005
- Re: XForms 1.1 Working Draft Now Online - Comments?
- Re: XForms 1.1 Working Draft Now Online - Comments?
Bob Roswell
Daniel Vogelheim
- Re: Sun Demonstates comprehensive XForms support in OpenOffice/StarOffice
- Re: Sun Demonstates comprehensive XForms support in OpenOffice/StarOffice
Darin Fisher
David Landwehr
Dharmesh Mistry
Garfield Green
- WS-Reliability specification submitted for OASIS Standard
- WS-Reliability specification submitted for OASIS Standard
- WS-Reliability specification submitted for OASIS Standard
Gerald Bauer
Huditsch Roman
Jim Ley
John Boyer
- RE: XForms Processors for IE5.x
- RE: XForms 1.1 Working Draft Now Online - Comments?
- RE: WD 15 November 2004 replace="instance"
- RE: XForm Implementaion
- RE: Generation of Xforms HTML web page using a XML Schema Definition
- Generation of Xforms HTML web page using a XML Schema Definition
Klotz, Leigh
Lars Oppermann
Mark Birbeck
- RE: SVG ouside the browser...
- RE: [svg-developers] Re: SVG ouside the browser...
- XForms may change the world ... or not. (Interesting article)
- [ANN] Editing blogs with the Atom API and XForms
markj \(Mark Jones\)
Micah Dubinko
- Sun Demonstates comprehensive XForms support in OpenOffice/StarOffice
- Re: Generation of Xforms HTML web page using a XML Schema Definition
- Introductory article on IBM developerWorks