RE: XForms Processors for IE5.x


We agree with you in the benefits of XForms prior to browsers being
ready to process XForms. We have also developed a server-side
XForms->DHTML transcoder. The biggest difference with this transcoder
and all other server-side transcoders is in the letter "D". All XForms
processing is implemented client-side by generating the appropriate
JavaScript (no plug-in). This provides two very important features: 

1. Server round-trips are not required to process XForms binding
properties such as validation, calculation, required, and relevance,
providing a rich user interface and server scalability. 

2. Offline interaction is possible, enabling mobile form applications to
be common with desktop form applications, reducing development and
maintenance costs.

The DHTML generated is compatible with many browsers that support XHTML
1.0, ECMA-262 3rd Edition, and DOM Level 2 which includes:

- IE 5.5 or higher
- Netscape 7.0 or higher
- Mozilla 1.0 or higher
- Firefox 0.7 or higher
- Opera 6 or higher
- Safari 1.2 or higher
- Konqueror 3.3 or higher

In addition, the JavaScript security model mitigates concerns described

Please go to for a demonstration.

Very respectfully,
Gary Sikora

-----Original Message-----
From: Arvind Pandey [] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2004 12:45 AM
To: markj (Mark Jones); John Boyer; Omar Tazi
Subject: RE: XForms Processors for IE5.x

I think John's point on using Server side
XForm Implementation is the only way in a
heterogeneous browser environment for the
time being.

In all our client projects (we have been
extensively using XForms for last one year),
we have been using a Server side XForms->HTML
conversion to tide over the problem you mentioned.
In our case, we have developed our own proprietary
XtenServer(t) which provides XForms support

The benefits from using XForms to use have been
reusability and faster implementation, with less
experienced resources...

Arvind Pandey

-----Original Message-----
From: []On
Behalf Of markj (Mark Jones)
Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2004 3:51 AM
To: John Boyer; Omar Tazi
Subject: RE: XForms Processors for IE5.x

Thanks for the responses.

We do alot of data capture and edit checking with web forms.
Our infrastructure is Microsoft IIS Web Servers and Oracle 9i Database
the web browsers are IE5.x and NS4.x

It appears unless we are willing to force our users to upgrade to IE6 or
change over to a different Web Server then XForms may not be an option
at this time.


-----Original Message-----
From: John Boyer []
Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2004 2:03 PM
To: Omar Tazi; markj (Mark Jones)
Subject: RE: XForms Processors for IE5.x

While all browsers support HTML in theory,
there are lots and lots and lots of quirky
little behaviors that have to be accounted
for on a browser by browser, version by
version basis.
And going back before IE6 is esp. bad for
achieving certain kinds of dynamic effects.

Whether this works for the individual would
depend greatly on how complex the forms are
and how much they care about equivalent
operation (esp. compliance with all aspects
of XForms).

It's definitely an oversimplification to
say that it's all good because it's just HTML.

John Boyer

-----Original Message-----
From: Omar Tazi []
Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2004 11:52 AM
To: markj (Mark Jones)
Subject: Re: XForms Processors for IE5.x


One way of avoiding differences between browsers is to use server-side
XForms servers. The only thing a browser receives from the Xforms server
is HTML, I believe all browsers support HTML ;)

Check out the Orbeon Presentation Server. It is mature (more than 3
years) and Open Source (LGPL):

Best regards,



markj (Mark Jones) wrote:
> Can anyone offer some insight as to how I can create an XForms
that supports IE5.x
> Thanks
> Mark

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