Is the browser support for XForms all that critical?

Hello Everyone

I am a newbie to this list so let me ask a silly question: Why the lack of
XForms support by the web browser vendors seen as a showstopper?

Let's cosider public internet. Your user has full control over her web
browser. Any information coming from "IE 6.0" may have actually been
generated by the perl script etc. If it comes form the client - it can not
be trusted. If I run my XForms engine on the client machine, the XML being
posted to the server needs to be further validated. Do I need to have yet
another XForms engine on the server?

What happaned to the idea of coexisting with established technologies? Full
server side XForms implementation where conventional HTML and JavaScript is
generated out of the XHTML template and served to the client requires no
modifications to the client's browser whatsoever. This approach also follows
the security guidelines where the only mission of the client-side validation
is to provide feedback to the user and is duplicated on the server as only
the server-side code is reliable.

I was able to find only one fully functional XForms server-side engine - the
Chiba project. If there is more - please help me find out. Maybe Microsoft
will endorse XForms when they see an industry-standard secure and robust
XForms engine for .Net platform....

Dmitri Khanine,
Sr. Developer,
Royal Bank Of Canada

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Gerald Bauer" <>
To: <>
Cc: "Mark Seaborne" <>
Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2004 9:40 AM
Subject: Re: WWW2004 XForms Talk Slides by Steven Pemberton Now Online

> Hello Mark,
> > How many browsers directly support Flash, or PDF for
> > example?
>   Well, my point was that the W3C is supposed to bring
> together browser vendors/project and lead the web to
> its full potential.
>   However, it looks like the W3C is increasingly
> irrelevant. If the W3C can't unite the browser
> vendors, who can? Why doesn't the W3C lobby harder?
> Why doesn't the W3C publish, for example, the
> roadmaps/positions of browser vendors such as
> Microsoft, Apple, Opera, Mozilla, etc?
>   As everybody can see the secret backroom dealing is
> getting us nowhere and the rich internet for everyone
> will be lost.
> > Are web based polls the next big thing? Maybe we
> > should run a poll to find out.
>   They surely help to find out how popular something
> is. And I'm sorry if you can't deal with the results
> that tell you that XForms is irrelevant.
>   Why not put up your own poll and see if you come to
> a different conclusion.
>    - Gerald
> -------------------
> Gerald Bauer
> Open XUL Alliance - A Rich Internet For Everyone |
> ______________________________________________________________________
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Received on Sunday, 30 May 2004 00:40:54 UTC