Fw: XForms Actions

Greetings, xforms-activate was replaced by DOMActivate, but 
xforms-value-changed should work as well for the scenario you describe.

Regards, Roland
----- Forwarded by Roland Merrick/UK/IBM on 22/04/2004 13:54 -----

"T. V. Raman" <tvraman@us.ibm.com> 
Sent by: www-forms-request@w3.org
20/04/2004 15:08
Please respond to

XForms Actions

actually I'd hook event xforms-activate for this use case ---

>>>>> "Robert" == Robert Bateman <bobbateman@sequoiallc.com> writes:
    Robert> So far, I've been only played with XForms action
    Robert> within <select1> code.  My code looks for an
    Robert> xforms-value-changed event and takes some action.
    Robert> Now I would like to do something similar but with an
    Robert> <input> field.  My goal is to have the value of my
    Robert> input copied to another field once the
    Robert> xforms-value-changed event fires.
    Robert> For example: I have 2 fields "field1" and "field2".
    Robert> Both contain peoples names.  On my form, an order
    Robert> form, I have to consider that field2 is editable if
    Robert> the user takes a specific path thru the form.  Both
    Robert> field1 and field2 are required to exist and can not
    Robert> be nill.
    Robert> My thought was to add an event to field1 that traps
    Robert> xforms-value-changed and do a <setvalue> of field2.
    Robert> I also would add a group around field2 controlling
    Robert> when its <input> is active to the user.
    Robert> All's well in my thoughts.  Unfortunately, I don't
    Robert> seem to be able to use an <action> inside of my
    Robert> <input> for field1.  Has anyone accomplished this
    Robert> sort of data copying using actions inside of inputs?
    Robert> Thanks!
    Robert> Bob

Best Regards,
T. V. Raman:  PhD (Cornell University)
IBM Research: Human Language Technologies
Architect:    Conversational And Multimodal WWW Standards
Phone:        1 (408) 927 2608   T-Line 457-2608
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Email:        tvraman@us.ibm.com
WWW:      http://almaden.ibm.com/u/tvraman
AIM:      TVRaman
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Received on Thursday, 22 April 2004 08:57:46 UTC