RE: [Announcement] FormsPlayer beta

Hi Andrew,

> I look forward to trying your product.

Thanks for your interest.

> I guess it will be in the documentation somewhere but
> which version of the WD does your product support?

It is - it is mostly in-line with the previous draft.

We had not 100% completed bind as per the old spec when the new one came
out. The new draft caused us to slightly re-think a couple of things, and as
a result we decided not to complete our old version of bind, and instead
restructure a little. However, we thought that what we had so far would
probably still be of interest to people who might be considering using
XForms in a project, and may want a tool that helps them try it out. In
particular there seemed to be a lot of interest on the list in using XForms
within the major browsers.

So, although a full-spec version will be available soon, we hope our beta is
of interest.



PS I've had a few emails about licensing. We hope to keep FormsPlayer for IE
as a free download. 

Mark Birbeck
Co-author Professional XML,
and Professional XML Meta Data,
both by Wrox Press

Managing Director Ltd.
Tel: +44 (20) 7269 9232

Received on Monday, 21 October 2002 20:11:12 UTC