Re: [Announcement] FormsPlayer beta

Now listed in the news section and implementation list on W3C XForms home

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark Birbeck" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, October 21, 2002 7:34 PM
Subject: [Announcement] FormsPlayer beta

> Hello all,
> During the course of developing an internet application for a client, we
> decided to standardise on the definition of the forms in the system. This
> obviously meant using XForms.
> However, as the project developed it became clear that to get complete
> control over the UI and to interact with the back-end systems in a
> way, we needed something more than a simple XForms to HTML conversion. On
> the one hand we wanted the control and reliability of a traditional
> application, perhaps written in VB or C++, running on a private network,
> connected to internal databases. But on the other hand, we wanted a system
> that could cope with users spread out across the internet, data that was
> distributed across many servers - and we certainly couldn't be installing
> new client software every time the system was upgraded.
> But these are conflicting requirements; we do not believe that it is
> possible to develop large, resilient, distributed applications using HTML
> and JavaScript.
> We therefore developed FormsPlayer, an XForms processor plug-in for
> Explorer 6 SP 1.
> Once the processor had been installed on the client it meant that we could
> 'upgrade' the system, simply be altering the XForms forms.
> Since there have been a number of comments on this list about the
> availability of XForms processors in the major browsers, we've decided to
> make this software available in its current form, as our contribution to
> encouraging the wider adoption of XForms. Far from XForms being a
> of the future, we believe it is very much something for today.
> Of course, we hope in return to receive feedback and bug reports.
> If you are interested in the software then please download it from:
> <>
> You'll also find some simple samples that illustrate using XForms:
> * for multi-lingual applications
> * with the Design Science MathML plug-in
> * for easy interaction with Web Services
> You may find of particular interest the Web Services samples; one shows
> to search Google, and the other shows the chaining of two Web Services
> together, using the output of one as the input to the other.
> Best regards,
> Mark
> Mark Birbeck
> Co-author Professional XML and
> Professional XML Meta Data,
> both by Wrox Press
> Managing Director
> Ltd.
> 4 Pear Tree Court
> London
> EC1R 0DS
> E:
> W:
> T: +44 (20) 7689 9232

Received on Wednesday, 23 October 2002 03:14:03 UTC