XForms errors in documentation

Here is a suggestion. 

In future, why not just give Andrew a copy of new drafts before release, and let him do his proof reading first?

He does seem to be quite good at it, and is very diligent.

All the best

Mark Seaborne  

> -----Original Message-----
> From: AndrewWatt2001@aol.com [mailto:AndrewWatt2001@aol.com]
> Sent: 13 November 2002 09:45
> To: www-forms@w3.org; www-forms-editor@w3.org; Xforms@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [XForms] XForms CR - The diff-marking cannot be relied on
> The existence of a diff-marked version of the XForms CR is 
> welcome. However, 
> unfortunately, anyone relying on diff-marking to identify all 
> changes in the 
> CR will be misled.
> For example, the contents which relate to 7.2 (and 
> subsections) have not been 
> diff-marked although new sections have been added.
> Similarly the subsections of the text of 7.2 includes new 
> sections which are 
> not diff-marked.
> I would caution those relying on diff-marking to identify for 
> them all 
> changes made in the CR that it is not safe to do so.
> Andrew Watt
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Received on Wednesday, 13 November 2002 04:53:28 UTC