RE: A few XForms Questions...

> I'd like to return to this discussion...

No one is interested?
> From: Micah Dubinko 
> > 
> > From: Dan Switzer
> > 
> > >2) The ability to create n-related select boxes.
> > 
> > We do specify heirarchial selection items, but that's not 
> exactly what

I am working on an implementation of hierarchial <selectOne> and <selectMany>. If I want to mix some static high level items and dynamic lower level items, it is fairly obvious to use, e.g.:
<selectOne ref="">
	<caption>Select a category and keyword</caption>
		<caption>Category A</caption>
		<itemset nodeset="">
			<caption ref=""/>
			<value ref=""/>
		<caption>Category B</caption>
		<itemset nodeset="">
			<caption ref=""/>
			<value ref=""/>

From the spec, an itemset can not contain an itemset, but a choices can contain itemset or choices. If I want the hierarchy totally dynamic using itemset, is the following representation correct?

<selectOne ref="">
	<caption>Select a category and keyword</caption>
		<itemset nodeset="">
			<caption ref=""/>
			<value ref=""/>
			<itemset nodeset="">
				<caption ref=""/>
				<value ref=""/>

Does it adequately imply that the second itemset is dependent upon the first itemset similar to a nested repeat? This representation does not seem as strong as the nested repeat. I would prefer something like the following where the nodeset context is more obvious:

<selectOne ref="">
	<caption>Select a category and keyword</caption>
		<itemset nodeset="">
			<caption ref=""/>
			<value ref=""/>
			<itemset nodeset="">
				<caption ref=""/>
				<value ref=""/>


Received on Tuesday, 14 May 2002 09:11:47 UTC