xforms:model events


1) I'd like to know who for the initialisation events (sec.4.2) on the
xforms:model are meant. Are they intended for authors of the XForms forms,
or for the authors of the XForms engines?

If they are intended merely for the authors of XForms engines, why are they
mentioned in the XForms standard at all? I think that in this case, it is an
internal thing of the engine implementation how the form will be initialised
if it will be working properly then. If the form authors don't have an
opportunity to provide their own handlers, the events are not interesting
for them.

If the default initialisation events are supposed to be overriden by form
authors, how can they replace the default implementations with their own.
The form authors have no means for performing actions like "loading xml
schema", "constructing the XPath data model" (both 4.2.1), "validating the
instance data against the schema" (4.2.2), etc.

2) I need an analogy of the HTML body::onload event in my XForms forms. What
XForms event corresponds to this? The xforms:initializeDone? I need my forms
authors to have a possibility to handle the event themeselves and provide
their own actions to be called when the document gets loaded.

	Thank you,

Received on Thursday, 14 March 2002 06:22:24 UTC